Wednesday 11 March 2020

Paint Away

Everyone is a little uncertain at this time, but don't let up on the Art. It helps to keep us sane.



Find company and pleasure from our animal companions

Utta (?)

But most of all from our human companions. Check on our neighbours.



Enjoy the world we live in.






Enjoy colour

 Chris M

Get out for a walk


Savour the sunset

Make things of great beautiful.

Monday 2 March 2020

Some from February

A bit of variety going on!

Anna working with fabric.

Utta has gone to the dogs.

Paddy is wandering in the sunset.

Chris B never shirks a challenge.

Irene is getting going.

Gwillym is moody

Eileen is working on a sunset too! What's going on?

Gerlyn considers what is beyond.

Chris M prepares to step up.

Monday 10 February 2020

A Brand New Year

Our first two pictures are by Utta and Geralyn respectively. 

Eileen is working on this one.

Now another two. The first is Jack's. The second is Paddy's. Both have a holiday feel.

This is by Chris B

Now we have Paddy in Turner mode! That's followed by Breda's preparation: but hasn't it got a Turner feel too?

We finish with Andy at work on a car...

Monday 30 December 2019

A Christmas Fairy Tale

Here's a little Christmas fairy tale 
to entertain you as you move into
 the adventure of the new year.

Once upon a time in a land far away

There was ...

and of course, ...

Yes, really!

It was a little scary at times.

But in the end,

Everyone lived happily ever after.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

paddy's pics

Hi Fionuala,
Here are some of the group's Paintings.
Kind regards,